The Power of Understanding Your Strengths

Oscar Wilde, the famous British writer, said: “be yourself, everyone else is already taken”. Individuals are formed through their previous experiences that have shaped them and helped them to grow. But this does not necessarily mean that we know exactly who we are, what we are best at and how to best go about understanding our strengths. In terms of career choice, this can become even more difficult. With the pressure and expectations coming from the ones around us, there is little opportunity to experiment with our career choices. The path can sometimes feel already set for us: go to school, go to college, go to university and then get a 9 to 5? But this may not be for you! Higher education can give you only a small push towards what you are destined to do, but the next steps to greatness are only taken if they are aligned with your core strengths. But how do you know what our strengths are and how to use them? We all know that one individual that thrives in stressful environments with ease and confidence. We all know that one person who sets their goals high and manages to go above and beyond and achieve their dreams! This ability comes from within you and can be accessed by understanding your strengths! Best results occur when one harnesses their unique strengths and uses them to their full potential. Interestingly, best results also occur when one is aware of their own flaws and learns how to leverage them. Denying the reality of your human flaws will only hold you back and contribute towards...


去度假时您总有计划,对吗?什么时候到达机场,办理登机手续的时间与登机时间,从机场到你住的地方该怎么走,等等。如果我们能如此精心地安排假期,为什么我们不能同样精心规划我们的事业?去度假时您总有计划,对吗?什么时候到达机场,办理登机手续的时间与登机时间,从机场到你住的地方该怎么走,等等。如果我们能如此精心地安排假期,为什么我们不能同样精心规划我们的事业?我们可以,只是我们不做。 职业规划鼓励我们设定目标,找出薄弱的地方,做出决定,最重要的是采取行动!像职业生涯一样重要的东西不应该留给命运的反复无常,应该仔细挑选与规划,以便您在找工作时处于最佳的位置。圣雄甘地曾经说过:“未来取决于你今日所做之事”,对成就一番事业来说尤其如此。在今日制定计划将帮助您确定您需要从事什么工作,以便为将来的特定角色做好准备。 同样重要的是要注意,职业规划不仅在您失业时使用。在工作的同时您仍然可以做一个规划,帮助您规划要在事业上取得进展所需要做的事情。例如,提升为商店经理,或成为律师事务所的合伙人。 人们常常把职业规划放到一边,因为这似乎是一项漫长而艰巨的任务,但并不一定都是这样。以下是四个帮助您创建职业规划的简单步骤: •    确定您要做的工作和所需的属性 •    分析您具备哪些技能和资格 •    确定你必须做些什么来获得您缺少的属性 •    采取行动!...